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Home » GTA 6 Release Is Near Official Announcement by Rockstar

GTA 6 Release Is Near Official Announcement by Rockstar

GTA 6 Release Date

GTA 6 Release: Wait is over, for many years fans were desperately waiting for Grand Theft Auto VI. Rockstar announces the next version of GTA Series is about to come soon. However, no significant details about the game were provided by the company. There were thousands of rumors circulating with GTA 6 title for many months including the story leaks, GTA 6 characters and many more.

This is what Rockstar says: “With the longevity of GTA V, we know many of you have been asking us about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series. With every new project we embark on, our goal is always significantly to move beyond what we have previously delivered — and we are pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series is well underway. We look forward to sharing more as soon as we are ready, so please stay tuned to the Rockstar Newswire for official details.”

Possible GTA 6 Release Date

The last series of Grand Theft Auto was released back in 2013 as GTA 5. It means players have waited for a long time of a decade. Rockstar Games didn’t share a trailer for GTA 6 alongside its announcement. Based on previous announcements from the developer, a GTA 6 trailer could be imminent. Huge roars in the GTA online communities that the year 2025 will be the year for Grand Theft Auto VI.

Will GTA 6 Be On Xbox One

Many users from the Xbox community are concerned about the release of Grand Theft Auto VI on Xbox One. Till now it is expected that GTA 6 will be available for Xbox S/X series. The huge game will improved graphics will be available for next generation consoles.

Will GTA 6 Be On PS4

It is confirmed that Rockstar will be releasing the GTA 6 for the PS5. All PS4 community members will need to update their console’s to next generation hardware’s. It is also observed that back in September 2021 all the new updates in GTA Online by Rockstar were for native PS5 and Xbox Series X versions. This give’s clear intentions the new high performance consoles will support GTA 6. 


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